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Colectivo de Serigrafía Instantánea

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Colectivo de Serigrafía Instantánea

Camilo Catrillanca was a twenty-four-year-old Mapuche activist murdered by a tactical unit of the Chilean police on November 14, 2018. He was shot in the back while riding a tractor on his land, unarmed. Shortly afterwards, police footage was leaked which contradicted their claims that Catrillanca had fired at them, adding to a long list of cover-ups and false evidence planted by the police in cases against the Mapuche people, the largest indigenous group of Chile. Catrillanca’s assassination spurred protests across the country, his image widely reproduced, painted, and wall-pasted. This print was handed out during a rally in December 2018, the thin paper held up delicately by demonstrators as a call for justice for the Mapuche people.

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